Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Beetroot Juice

Vitamins: A, B, C and E

Minerals: Iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and sodium
Therapeutic benefits: Beetroot juice is very powerful and should always be consumed in small quantities and usually mixed with other juices, such as apple, carrot, cucumber and celery.

It is an excellent purifier and cleanser of the blood and is effective in cleaning out the liver, kidneys and arteries.

Due to the high amounts of natural sugars that beetroot juice contains, it is thoroughly energising, although should be avoided by diabetics.

It is also good for digestive problems such as constipation and it strengthens the bones, which is helpful for people as they get older and their bones become weaker.
Preparation for juicing: Try to pick out beetroots that are firm to the touch rather than soft or shrivelled.

Always mix with other fruit or vegetable juices, as pure beetroot juice can lead to negative reactions within the body.

Broccoli Juice

Vitamins: A, B, C, E and K

Minerals: Calcium, copper, iron, potassium and zinc

Therapeutic benefits: Broccoli has the best reputation for fighting cancer, as it contains copious amounts of anti-oxidants and fibre. It has also been recommended for the prevention of cataracts.

Preparation for juicing: Choose broccoli that is a rich green colour with no yellow or dried patches. The vegetable should be firm to the touch and not soft. The stalk may also be juiced, as it also contains plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Cabbage Juice

Vitamins: A, B, C and E

Minerals: Calcium, chlorine, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sulphur

Therapeutic benefits: Cabbage is a wonderful cleanser of the internal system and the whole body and is also highly antiseptic. It is good for constipation and helps to reduce high blood pressure. It is often used in diet programmes as it is said to aid slimming and it is also often prescribed to treat respiratory problems such as asthma, coughs, colds and flu. People who are prone to sweating should consume some raw cabbage every day.

Preparation for juicing: Look for cabbages that are heavy and brightly coloured. Lighter cabbages contain less moisture or are old.

Cabbage juice should always be mixed with other juices such as carrot or spinach and lettuce and cucumber and celery.

Carrot Juice

Vitamins: A, B, C, D, E, G and K

Minerals: Calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, sodium and sulphur

Therapeutic benefits: Carrot juice is an excellent tonic for just about every ailment imaginable. It can be consumed in large quantities as well.

It is particularly effective in preventing cataracts and other eye problems, as well as energising, cleansing and healing the body faster.

Carrot juice boosts the immune system and protects against disease. It helps to treat anaemia, circulatory problems and skin disorders.

It is good for digestive problems and is an excellent remedy for ulcers, liver problems and asthma. It may help to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Preparation for juicing: Choose carrots that are firm to touch and peel unless they are organic. The tops and the roots may be used to make carrot juice.

Carrot juice is often used as the basis for other juices as it is easily digested and may be consumed in large quantities.

Celery Juice

Vitamins: B and C

Minerals: Iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium

Therapeutic benefits: Celery juice is most well known for its abilities to ease rheumatic and arthritic pain and inflammation. It is also good to take celery juice if recovering from illness, particularly a cold or flu, as it replaces lost minerals in the body.

The potassium in celery helps to lower blood pressure and it is effective in strengthening the stomach, liver and kidneys. For restlessness and sleeping problems, celery juice is highly successful.

Preparation for juicing: Choose celery stalks that are firm and straight that show no signs of wilting.

Wash the stalks thoroughly and remove both ends before juicing.

Cucumber Juice

Vitamins: A and C

Minerals: Calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, silicon and sodium

Therapeutic benefits: Cucumber juice is a great tonic for encouraging healthy skin, hair and nails. It controls fluid retention and helps with bladder problems. It cleanses the blood and is also said to treat arthritis effectively.

Preparation for juicing: Buy cucumbers that are a dark green colour, firm to the touch and do not show signs of wilting.

Some cucumbers, like apples, are covered in a wax-like film. Therefore, wash them thoroughly and possibly peel them unless organic.

Dandelion Juice

Vitamins: A and C

Minerals: Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and sodium

Therapeutic benefits: Dandelion leaves are amongst one of the best curative plants around and the best thing is that they are free, as you can go into any field and pick them.

They are excellent for the circulation and any circulatory problems, therefore benefiting the skin and even cellulite.

Due to the high iron content, they are useful for sufferers of anaemia and other blood disorders and when combined with carrot juice they can help strengthen bones and combat bone disease.

Dandelion leaf juice may also heal ulcers and clear up any kidney or bladder problems.

Preparation for juicing: Try to pick leaves that are dark green and fairly small, as the larger leaves tend to produce a more bitter taste. Make sure that the leaves are washed thoroughly to remove traces of pesticides, fertilisers and dirt.

Fennel Juice

Vitamins: A and B

Minerals: Iron, phosphorous, potassium and zinc

Therapeutic benefits: Fennel is probably best well known as a digestive aid. It can help with trapped wind, poor digestion and more painful conditions such as gastritis and enteritis.

Fennel is also a diuretic and therefore is very effective when dealing with kidney or bladder troubles and fluid retention.

It is also a general pick-me-up and helps to combat general tiredness and fatigue.

Preparation for juicing: Choose fennel bulbs that are firm to the touch and a bright white in colour. Wash thoroughly and cut into small pieces before passing through the juicer.

Fennel has an aniseed taste and mixes well with apple, carrot, pear or celery juice

Lettuce Juice

Vitamins: A, B, C, D and E

Minerals: Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium

Therapeutic benefits: Lettuce is an excellent remedy for constipation and should be consumed daily with olive oil in a salad.

It is also a powerful diuretic, aiding with bladder and circulatory problems such as fluid retention, cellulite and obesity.

It contains a chemical substance similar to opium, which acts as a powerful relaxant to the nervous system. It is therefore known to help with stress, anxiety, insomnia and heart palpitations.

Preparation for juicing: The darker varieties of lettuce are more nutritious. Choose lettuces that are heavy and green in colour. 

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